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Finn L

"I'm a Black non-binary lesbian writer with a fondness for incorporating surrealism, biblical references, and queer love in my work! I was raised in a very niche and strict sect of Christianity, the kind that they make documentaries about. As I got older I grew to hate the absurdly strict standards of modesty and gender roles. But I experienced so much inner turmoil over the fact that if I didn't conform to all these rules, I was guaranteed to go to hell. So I'd try my best to follow all the regulations, and I desperately tried to imagine a perfect heterosexual future for myself. Until one day I saw one of the drummers at church in this truly incredible outfit, and I realised that more than anything, I wanted to be him. I'm a lot freer since coming to terms with that, and I wrote this poem one night in defiance and celebration of my queerness and journey to self-acceptance."

IG: @finnexplicable



"i always thought you might marry my grandson" - sister p., c.2019 

to sit, demurely, hair and elbows hidden 

to pray for someone's god-ordained grandson 

as the boys shine themselves like shoes? 

i don't want your conveniently-aged boy: 

let me have his tea-towel jumper instead, 

his sheepskin jacket, and the sweat of a good drum riff.

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